Our digital and in person worship experiences are filled with music, scripture readings, prayers, a time for children, a sermon, special music, and other elements. We welcome people of ages into one space and seek to create an atmosphere of worship that is physically and intellectually accessible for all.
That’s really up to you! Some dress very casually, and others come in their “Sunday best.” Our advice: be comfortable, and wear whatever will distract you the least.
It’s near the west entrance, on the way to the Sanctuary. Come in the west entrance, turn left at the hallway, and the nursery will be just a few yards down on your right. (PS: Children are always welcome in worship.) The nursery is a safe place that is staffed during worship on Sunday morning, and even has a television monitor that streams the service live into that space. Regardless of your child's age you are welcome to participate in worship in the sanctuary or in the nursury wherever you feel best able to enter into an attitude of worship.
Nope! They are always welcome, all the time! Parents of young children are definitely welcomed to stay with them for a few weeks to help them become comfortable.
At Collegiate/Wesley we celebrate communion once a month, typically on the first Sunday of the month.
United Methodist churches have an “open table” approach to celebrating Communion. All persons are invited to participate…and we really do mean all – children too. The Communion liturgy (that is, prayers, words spoken by the clergy, etc.) varies from month to month, but you’ll always be guided in the Sunday morning worship bulletin. The ushers will direct you to come forward to receive Communion. You don't need to be a member of our church, or any church to participate, please come as you are. We offer gluten-free elements, and if physical accessibility is a concern please just wave over an usher we will gladly come to you!
At our morning services, there is an offering taken near the end of the service in-person and online. That’s also when we ask everyone to put their “Connection Card” in the offering plate or to submit a connect card online. As our guest, please don’t feel any pressure from us to give to our church.
The offering goes toward all of our general expenses, from the staff and building to our programs and mission projects. Special offering envelopes are also available on certain Sundays which support local or global ministries, such as The Ames Food at First or the Bridge Home.
All donations are tax-deductible. (Cash donations will need to be put in an offering envelope with your information.) We send out quarterly and annual statements to donors.
Most people give online, by the way. You can do that on a regular basis or just one time, if you wish, by clicking here.
Totally valid, and yes we've got you covered! If you CLICK THIS LINK you can let us know who you are and that you are planning on coming to church. You will get a couple of reminders ahead of time
The short answer is anywhere in our parking lot! We pinky promise that we won't tow you on Sunday Mornings:)
We do have some first time guest parking that is convenient and right next to our West Enterance. We would reccomend taking advantage of that until you are a regular and people begin saying "hey you're here all the time stop parking in the visitor parking."..... but if no one has said anything yet.....you're probably good and if I were you I would milk it for all it's worth....
2622 Lincoln Way
Ames, IA 50014
Thank you for reaching out, we just sent your message on to the Campus Minister who should get back to you shortly! If you would like to set up a meeting with the campus minister you can find his schedule below!